Cezar Delikatesy is a rapidly growing chain of retail stores, operating since 2005 on Polish territory and have excellent experience in the grocery industry. The organizer of the network CEZAR Delicatessen is the Regional Group Retail Ltd. 
The intention of the system was to develop effective mechanisms to compete in the market. Stores operating under the name Cezar Delikatesy gain favorable terms of cooperation with suppliers and manufacturers. Negotiations are conducted on the national level, directly from the manufacturer, and at the regional scale, which is sought after providers of products for stores operating in the region. Currently, the network has 20 chain stores Cezar Delikatesy of which 11 belong to the franchisees.
Always providing professional assistance system and thematic sections that will help customers quickly to find the products you need, clean, aesthetic and air-conditioned interiors provide comfort on hot days shopping and parking at each of our stores is a convenience for motorists, Cezar Delikatesy is ranked one of the best markets in Poland. 
In the stores, you can find a wide selection of articles of daily needs of leading manufacturers and those less known. They provide fresh produce and high quality, which is the result of long-term relationships with reliable suppliers. Cooperation with the new supplier is preceded by negotiations on prices, range and timeliness of deliveries all this make you feel important for us and happy shopping in our stores.
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