Textil Market

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Textilmarket offers its customers a wide range of clothing and other textile products of high quality at very attractive prices. In Textilmarket always can be found a wide selection of everyday clothes, accessories and home textiles. Offer enriching products and services, which due to the attractive value always give the buyer a sense of rationally used the occasion. Customers can buy the goods at the most competitive prices, which is only cheap. This is possible by searching for the best suppliers of goods and eliminating all unnecessary costs. That is why, among other things, do not open stores in expensive shopping malls, but in others much more attractive cost locations. Shop Textil MarketTextile Market aims to be the leader in the apparel discount stores in Central and Eastern Europe. The focus is always the customer, his life, and needs. As the company believes, the customer’s much higher value at excellent prices, than a full luxury of purchase. In that way, the company maximizes the benefit of its clients, minimizing strain on their household budgets.
The company ADESSO SA was registered in Krakow in 1989 From the very beginning of its existence, working in textiles and children. The company belongs to the group Redan SA. ADESSO SA owns Textilmarket discount stores, which are located mainly in urban areas to 50 thousand residents. Today Textil Market has about 285 stores throughout Poland.