
About this store

Magnit is the biggest retailer regarding branch network number and key financial indicators. The network includes 7,614 neighborhood stores, 169 hypermarkets, 57 Magnit Semeinyi stores and 778 make-up stores. The network embraces 1,959 towns of Russia.
About two-thirds of the company’s stores operate in the cities with a population of fewer than 500,000 people. The most of the stores of the Group are located in Southern, North Caucasus, Central and Privolzhsky Federal Districts. The stores of Magnit network are also located in Northwestern, Uralsky and Sibirsky Federal Districts.
The company manages its logistic system that numbers 24 distribution centers, an automatized inventory management system and a car fleet of 5,697 units. The Magnit’s 2013 sales revenue equals $18.2 billion, EBITDA – $2 billion.