Farm Boy Farm Girl

About this store

Farm Boy and Farm Girl brands honor the pride of farming with trend-right merchandise. Founders Dan Adamson and Brian Goldenman are both former farm kids from the Midwest who sought a way to express their fond attachment to their upbringing. Adamson, an award-winning retail designer, and Goldenman, with a generous sales experience, set out to capture the pride & nostalgia of the farming lifestyle, and in 1996 the seeds for Farm Boy and Farm Girl brands were planted. Warm memories of hiding and seek in the corn, gathering eggs, frogging, secret forts, playing on the tire swing, nesting ducks, kittens in the barn, baling hay, crisp, fresh air, and barnyard smells provided ample inspiration.
In a stand-out debut near the animal barns at the Minnesota State Fair, the brands were greeted with appreciation and excitement. The response was infectious and confirmed their gut feeling that Farm Boy and Farm Girl brands were welcomed and worn as a badge of honor. Since the very beginning, in every way and every design, Farm Boy and Farm Girl brands continue to celebrate the unique relationship we share with our customers – whether you’re from the farm or far beyond the back fence.