C&A is an international Dutch chain of fashion retail clothing stores, with its European head offices in Vilvoorde, Belgium, and Düsseldorf, Germany. Its brands include Angelo Litrico, Canda, Clockhouse, Here+There, Palomino, Rodeo (ski and snowboard clothes), Westbury, Yessica, Yessica Pure, and Your Sixth Sense.
The company was founded by brothers Clemens and August Brenninkmeijer in 1841 as a Dutch textile firm, taking its company name from their initials. In 2007, C&A ventured into high-street retail banking, creating C&A Bank GmbH in Germany, with its primary focus on providing consumer credit under its product “C&A Money.”
Nowadays C&A is part of the cityscape in many areas of Europe. About two million people are visiting stores daily.