The American company Simon Property Group has announced its intention to start a “step-by-step opening” of its shopping centers shortly. Plans for opening will depend on the regulations adopted by the federal governments of the various states.
It is planned to open five shopping centers on the 1st of May in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and South Carolina, and then, in the first weeks of May, other malls will begin to open. In total, the company owns 49 shopping centers, all of which are idle since March 18. It was initially assumed that shopping malls would stay closed for no more than two weeks, but the situation has made adjustments.
The company claims that by opening the malls, it will comply with all safety regulations. In particular, visiting hours will be limited – from 11:00 to 19:00 from Monday to Saturday and from 12:00 to 18:00 on Sundays.
The company will also comply with all necessary measures to ensure the social distancing of visitors. The rule will be that no more than one person per 50 square feet will be allowed. Food court tables will be set up differently, and some urinal sinks will be turned off. The areas where there has always been the heaviest traffic will simply be closed off.
Visitors will be encouraged to wear masks, which will be handed out with disinfectants. All workers in the shopping center will receive the necessary instructions and will be regularly tested for temperature.
At the same time, Simon does not expect that after quarantine is lifted, retail trade will return in the same direction, will be the same as it was before the epidemic. The company representatives refused any comments.