The company founded in 1884. Since 1891, the company has delivered knives to the Swiss army. Their famous emblem—a cross in a shield—has been used by Victorinox since 1909. That year, the mother of founder Karl Elsener died, and he named the company “Victoria” in her honor. In 1921, with the introduction of “inox” (ab. for easier inoxidizable, the French term for stainless steel) into their products, the brand, and name of the company became the present “Victorinox (“Victoria”+”Inox”).
On 26 April 2005 Victorinox acquired Wenger, the other official supplier of the Swiss Army knife, will announcing that it intended to keep both brands intact. On 30 January 2013 Victorinox announced that the comp would integrate Wenger’s knife business to strengthen its competitive position internationally.
In 2006 the company had a workforce of 900 employees and produced about 34,000 Swiss Army knives, 38,000 multi-tools, and 30,000 household, kitchen, and knives per workday. Approximately 90 percent of its production is exported, to more than 100 countries.