Public Services Will be Located in Trio Shopping Center

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Trio, Lahti

The service area, covering approximately 1000 square meters, is a new type of concept that brings together several different public services under one roof. Here customers will find the service and guidance desks of many of the city’s services and a Kela customer service center.

Construction of new premises will begin soon, and the service area will be open to new customers in the autumn of 2019. It will be possible to increase the service area in the future, if necessary.

“We are thrilled that the Lahti service square will be located in Trio. For almost three years, a similar service entity has been our tenant in Iso Omena, Espoo, and the experiences from there have been excellent,” tells Mari Laaksonen, Commercial Director at Citycon.

Client feedback on Iso Omena’s service square has been almost unanimously positive and conducted surveys indicate that running tasks in the service square and shopping center support each another – inhabitants feel it is easy and comfortable to take care of many things at once. Many consumers report that they use public and commercial services during the visit.

“I believe that a similar service experience will be achieved in Lahti as soon as a new service area is opened,” Laaksonen said.

“We want to integrate the Trio into the city center of Lahti better and strive to open its entrances as part of the urban landscape. Also, we strive to make the Trio more enjoyable and comfortable by improving its appearance and presenting more restaurants and cafes that invite visitors to spend time at the mall. Public services, spending time in the mall, and attractive restaurant offerings are becoming increasingly important success factors. This is the future of shopping centers,” told Henrik Ginström, Chief Operating Officer of Citycon.

The premises of the service area will be located on the second floor of the Trio shopping center.

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