Outlets based at posh shopping centres, such as Shoppers World, are doing good business while there are many other shopkeepers who feel frustrated by the lack of overall business during this season.
Nazir Hossain says he often leaves his store at 2:00 am each night as his customers seem to pour in after Tarabi prayer and shop until midnight. Mr Nazir said that many luxury item shoppers no longer shop for Eid in Bangladesh as was the case previously. They prefer shopping abroad as they fear the Anti-Corruption Commission.He said that many people believe Shoppers World to be a place to purchase luxury items only, however the store tries to cater to the needs of different customers in the middle to upper income bracket.It is a popular centre for customers who travel great distances to purchase the high quality, wide selection that is available.
Mrs Gulnahar travels from Mirpur to shop. She prefers the lack of crowds in the centre and the quality she obtains.Traders who are frustrated with the lack of business during this period contribute this decline to the bad road conditions, the traffic and area-based household sales centres and shopping centres.