“Vsplesk” SEC is being built in between Rostov on Don and Aksai City, in the center of 2 million Rostov metropolitan area, the sixth biggest in Russia. 1,448,000 people live within 30-minute transport accessibility from the shopping mall. The expected attendance is about 950,000 people a year.
Anchor tenants: grocery hypermarket (10,000 sq.m.), sporting gooods hypermarket (3,500 sq.m.), kids goods store (1,200 sq.m.), home appliance and electronics store (4,500 sq.m.).
Shopping and entertainment mall includes:
– retail area (hypermarkets, boutiques, stores)
– food court area (restaurants, cafes for children, bars, coffee shops, etc.)
– entertainment area (disco parties, bowling, multiplex movie theater, fitness center, kids playground).
Cross functional “Vsplesk” shopping and entertainment mall plans its opening in the first quarter of 2014. Water park will be opened at the end of 2014, shopping and entertainment area as well as parking will start operating in 2015, ski slope -2016, the hotel will open its doors for visitors in 2017.
City: Rostov-on-Don
Region: Europe
Country: Russia
Trade area: 800 949 sq. feet
Preview text: Shopping Mall (132,580 sq.m.), Ski Slope (132,580 sq.m.), Water Park (26,000 sq.m.), Grocery Hypermarket (10,000 sq. m.), Sporting Goods Hypermarket (3,500 sq.m.), Kids Goods Store (1,200 sq.m.), Home Appliance and Electronics store (4,500 sq.m.).
Address: Aksajsky district
In process: Yes
No of floors:: 3
Parking: 75 348 sq. feet
Size: Super regional
Total area: 1 427 091 sq. feet
Type: Entertainment