Les Promenades Gatineau includes 78,503 m² of total space, including its three-story office building on the south side of the complex that houses a dental clinic and federal government offices. The remainder of Les Promenades Gatineau is a sprawling single level building with a labyrinth-like layout that makes it difficult to locate smaller boutiques.
Les Promenades Gatineau is easily accessible off Autoroute 50.
City: Gatineau
Region: North America
Country: Canada
Trade area: 845 329 sq. feet
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Located in Gatineau, Les Promenades Gatineau is the second largest shopping centre in Quebec, in terms of retail space, dwarfed by St. Laurent Shopping Centre's 90,301.8 m2.
Address: 1100, Maloney Blvd. West Gatineau, Quebec J8T 6G3
Anchor tenants: 49419
Exact address: 1100, Maloney Blvd. West? Gatineau, Quebec J8T 6G3
Management: Dominique Guindon
No of floors:: 1
Parking: 4 000 sq. feet
Phone: 819 568-1158
Public phone: 819 568-1158
Size: Super regional
Type: Shopping