Herning Centret

About this mall

HerningCentret is a shopping mall Herning by Herningmotorvejen and Midtjyske Highway.

The Centre opened in 1977 and has after the last annex in 2006, now 60 shops and is the largest center in Central. The Centre has, among other things, Kvickly Xtra and Silvan. There is linked to the Centre in 1988 built a kontorhøjhus on 11 floors.

herningCentret grow by about. 20 stores in 2009, after an extensive annex and transformation of the western part of herning Centret. Then there will be. around. 80 shops

Mall details

City: Merkurvej

Region: Europe

Country: Denmark

Address: 75 Butikker 1250 Gratis P-Pladser

Website: http://www.herningcentret.dk/

On a map