
About this mall

Centrum Słoneczne is located in the center of Szczecin Prawobrzeże. Excellent location at wylotówce from Szczecin, with easy access from three major settlements Prawobrzeże, with over 20 shops of different industries (over 4,000 m2 of retail space) and convenient parking for 200 cars – fits a standard type of Shopping Centers “Convenience perfectly” – comfortable and provide the speed and quality shopping.
Key tenants
Ladybug, RTV Euro AGD, ING Bank Slaski, Top Secret, Vero Moda, KFC, Pharmacy Alpha.
Prawobrzeże Szczecin is an almost independent urban organism. Lives are approximately 120,000 inhabitants. Excellent location on Prawobrzeże bristles at the junction of the outlet arteries of the city – st. Andrzej Strug and st. Lubinowa allows Clients of residential Beech and Solar to reach it in time less than 10 minutes.

Mall details

City: Szczecin

Region: Europe

Country: Poland

Trade area: 48 438 sq. feet

Address: ul. A. Struga 18, 70-784

No of floors:: 2

Parking: 2 152 sq. feet

Size: Neighborhood center

Total area: 75 348 sq. feet

Type: Shopping

On a map