Avion Shopping Park Brno

Mall details

City: Brno

Region: Europe

Country: Czech Republic

Preview text: Avion Shopping Park, the first shopping center built in Brno, is an attractive composition of its main tenants sought by visitors fr om near and wide area. The focus of the prestigious international and domestic retailers are creating a unique environment friendly family purchase.

You can also use our yellow bus Avion Shopping Park, free of narrow streets in the city center. 

The center turn towards Bratislava and crossing streets Hněvkovského-Auburn merge into the right lane towards the highway Prague and in parallel with the motorway to Bratislava shopping area, the direction of Brno-jih. From Prague Brno motorway take exit 196 towards Bratislava. From the opposite direction of the highway from Olomouc to exit 196 and turn towards Bratislava. 

To our center you can reach the line of urban mass transportation Jundrov No. 67 - Lower Heršpice. 

We are just 8 km away from the airport Brno Tuřany, wh ere you can take a taxi, that will take you to our shopping center. 

The main railway station is away from the shopping center 10 km. In the street near the station close to us get a shuttle line Avion Shopping Park for free.
Avion Shopping Park, the first shopping center built in Brno, is an attractive composition of its main tenants sought by visitors from near and wide area. The focus of the prestigious international and domestic retailers are creating a unique environment friendly family purchase.

Address: Scandinavian 2 619

Website: http://www.brno.avionshoppingpark.cz

On a map