Leeds moving up on the retail destination list in the UK

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The annual ranking by the Javelin Group includes 3000 cities.  The top three destinations outside London are Glasgow, Manchester and Leeds, in that order. According to Leeds City Council executive board member for transport and economy, Councilor Richard Lewis, the past few years have seen many developments within the city, including Trinity Leeds center, First Direct Arena and the commencement of work to Victoria Gate.
Around £2.7bn of development schemes have been completed in the city over the past decade, with an additional £178m in progress at the end of 2013.
This news comes after the announcement of Trinity Leeds’ latest achievement.  The shopping center has been voted as one of the UK’s ‘coolest’ brands by a list of designers.  It achieved a top spot on the CoolBrands list, which it shares with Glastonbury, Prada and Apple.
The city offers shoppers eight indoor centers, with in excess of 1000 stores.  It offers retail developments 1.9m people within a half hour drive from the centre of the city and has a shopping catchment population of almost 3.2m regional people.

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