Medicine Hat Mall

About this mall

It is anchored by Target, The Bay, Sears, Safeway and Shopper’s Drug Mart. Medicine Hat Mall has 90 retail shops and services. Its niche market that extends into Southwest Saskatchewan.

Mall details

City: Medicine Hat

Region: North America

Country: Canada

Trade area: 521 915 sq. meters

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Conveniently located adjacent to TransCanada Highway in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Medicine Hat Mall is a well-established regional shopping centre.

Address: 3292 Dunmore Rd SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 2R4

Anchor tenants: 49389

Exact address: 3292 Dunmore Rd SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 2R4

Parking: 3 132 sq. meters

Phone: +1 403-526-4888

Public phone: +1 403-526-4888

Size: Regional

Total area: 539 000 sq. meters

Type: Shopping


On a map